Free up Your Hands – When you have full hand shopping bags, push a stroller in the park or just lazily enjoy the sun on the beach, put women key ring bracelet on your wrist. It will hold your house, car keys securely, so you can free up your hands to focus on things more important. Life savier when carrying in groceries, kids, etc. It sounds impossible until you try it, then you’ll never be able to go back
New Version: No Keys Lost – Being annoyed by the round keychain bracelets that fall from your arm easily? Are you always digging in purse for your keys? We have updated, this keychain fits like a bracelet and doesn’t slip off your wrist like the large key ring bracelet , really cute and far more functional than the bangle bracelet key rings, especially if you have smaller wrists. You can wear it to drive the car, run, shop, and travel